LAUP History

Browse Items (107 total)

  • 4550_001-6.png

    A letter from Latin Americans United for Progress, Inc. to the contestants of the Fiest Queen about workshops that they attended to better themselves before the contest.
  • 4275_001.pdf

    A public relations committee action report dedicated to LAUP board. As well as the report.
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    This is a letter sent from the LAUP stating a concern for low income students in the Latinx community not getting opportunities for higher education due to their financial circumstances. Showcases the LAUP’s efforts to advocate for young adults trying to attend higher education; one of the goals stated by LAUP.
  • 4279_001.pdf

    A summary of a LAUP board meeting, involving minutes, treasurer's report, and roles.
  • 4330_001.pdf

    LAUP Newsletter detailing the 4th annual Hispanic Student Banquet which celebrates and encourages Hispanic student's education.
  • 4530_001.pdf

    Public document distributed to the members or prospective members of LAUP inviting engagement and community involvement.
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    Photograph of Fiesta King Trophy for the 2012 winner. The trophy is topped by a figure of the king.
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    A man and woman at Fiesta wearing cultural dress. Cultural dance and music.
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    Nominee's of the Fiesta Queen competition standing on Civic Center stage.
  • 4531_001%20%28dragged%29%202.pdf

    A newsletter to members of the LAUP with a meeting schedule described. Shows the legitimacy of the LAUP as a group, and progress made to get to this point.
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